US carries out new airstrike on Yemen

4 months ago

TEHRAN: The United States (US) military has conducted a new strike on Yemen amid escalating tensions in West Asia, triggered by the Israeli regime’s war on Gaza.

US Central Command (CENTCOM) announced early on Saturday that its new strike hit an anti-ship missile of the Houthis, Iranian news agency IRNA reported.

CENTCOM made the announcement on its X account, claiming that the missile had presented an imminent threat to navigation in the Red Sea and American forces in the region.

“On Jan 27 at approximately 3.45 am (Sanaa time), US Central Command Forces conducted a strike against a Houthi anti-ship missile aimed into the Red Sea and which was prepared to launch,” it said.

CENTCOM also said that its strike was aimed at protecting international shipping.

“US Forces subsequently struck and destroyed the missile in self-defence. This action will protect freedom of navigation and make international waters safer and more secure for US Navy vessels and merchant vessels,” it said.

The US, along with the United Kingdom, stated the same claims when they launched airstrikes on Yemen more than two weeks ago.

Since then, the two Western states have conducted several rounds of airstrikes against the Arab country. - Bernama, IRNA