Seoul City weighs increasing subway base fare by 150 won in July

5 months ago

SEOUL: The Seoul city government said Monday it is considering increasing the base fare for a subway ride in Seoul by 150 won (RM0.53) in July, city officials said.

The fare hike will likely take place in line with the official launch of the all-inclusive monthly transit pass, dubbed the Climate Card, in July following its pilot programme from Jan 27 to June 30, the Seoul metropolitan government said.

The basic subway fare currently stands at 1,400 won (RM4.95), reported Yonhap news agency.

The city had initially planned to increase the base rate for the subway by 300 won in August last year but ended up raising it only by 150 won in October in line with the central government’s stance to stave off rising living costs burdening households.

The city plans to start discussing its latest plan with the Gyeonggi provincial government and the Incheon city government and determine the specific date of the fare increase following a public hearing and review by the city government’s transportation fare adjustment committee.–Bernama-Yonhap