Sarah Nava Rani appointed as Malaysia’s permanent representative to ASEAN

3 weeks ago

KUALA LUMPUR: Datin Sarah Nava Rani Al Bakri Devadason has been appointed as Permanent Representative of Malaysia to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in Jakarta, Indonesia, effective Thursday (May 30), the Foreign Ministry announced.

Sarah hails from Negri Sembilan and holds a Bachelor of Laws from Universiti Malaya.

She was appointed as an Administrative and Diplomatic Officer in 1994 and was initially assigned to the Defence Ministry before joining the Foreign Ministry in 1996.

Sarah served as the ambassador of Malaysia to Germany from 2017 to 2020. Her other diplomatic assignments include roles at the Permanent Mission of Malaysia to the United Nations in New York, United States of America, and at the Permanent Mission of Malaysia to ASEAN in Jakarta, Indonesia, as Minister Counsellor.

At the Foreign Ministry, she served as the undersecretary of the Human Rights and Humanities Division and as the deputy director-general at the Department of Policy Planning and Strategy.

She also served as principal assistant secretary at the Territorial Affairs and Maritime Division.