OIC, GCC welcome UNGA’s resolution on Palestine’s bid for full membership

1 month ago

JEDDAH: The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) welcomed on Friday United Nation’s General Assembly’s adoption of a historic resolution, with a sweeping majority, stressing that Palestine’s state is qualified to get a full member and granting it additional rights.

In a statement, the OIC said this resolution expressed an international consensus on backing the legitimate rights of Palestinian people, including self-determination, freedom, justice, independence and the need of ending the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Emirates News Agency (WAM) reported.

It affirmed its absolute support to the legitimate rights of Palestine’s state in embodying its political and legal position at the UN, like to the rest of the world’s states, as a gain that should have been implemented since decades, according to the statement.

It referred to historic, legal and political rights of Palestinian people to their land confirmed by the relevant UN resolutions, in addition to the official recognition of 144 states of Palestine’s state, which has full membership at dozens of international organisations and agreements.

Meanwhile, in Riyadh, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Secretary-General Jassim Mohammed Al-Budaiwi welcomed the UN General Assembly’s adoption of a resolution supporting Palestine’s right to full membership at the world body and recommendation that the UN Security Council reconsider the Palestinian bid, reported WAM.

The GCC secretary-general pointed out the fact that the resolution received a vote from 143 countries comes as an affirmation and belief in the Palestinian right to this recognition, so that the State of Palestine can exercise all its rights and duties at this world body.

He stressed the GCC’s firm position in supporting the Palestinian cause, and reaching a solution based on ending the Israeli occupation and establishing an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, with east Jerusalem as its capital, in accordance with relevant UN resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative. - Bernama, WAM