Indonesia touts high returns for tourism investors at AIM Abu Dhabi

1 month ago

JAKARTA: Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Uno shed light on the plethora of benefits to be gained by world investors if they were to invest in Indonesia’s tourism and creative economy sectors.

In a statement from his ministry on Friday, he highlighted the benefits for investors in Indonesia’s tourism and creative economy sectors at the 2024 Annual Investment Meeting (AIM) Congress in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates, reported ANTARA.

He remarked that the AIM 2024 in Abu Dhabi is a venue for world investors, the government, the private sector, and community organisation representatives to gather and promote investment.

“We highlighted Indonesia’s strong position in tourism and the creative economy. Indonesia has a policy that is very open to investment in various fields, especially in the tourism and creative economy sectors,“ he said.

He stated that every investment in Indonesia can create six times as many jobs.

“And they are not only ordinary jobs but jobs that are associated with sustainability and the economy that are related to women’s empowerment and job creations that can improve welfare,“ he elaborated.

He said that Indonesia’s economy had grown by 5.05 per cent in 2023. The country’s annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate has averaged about 5 per cent in recent decades and is expected to stay above 5 per cent by 2024.

Indonesia has also entered the era of demographic bonuses, with two-thirds of the 277 million population being of working age. With this condition, Uno believed that Indonesia is an attractive destination and open to investment opportunities.

“We are very confident that Indonesia’s participation here will increase its attractiveness, and I hope that there will be more investment in the Indonesian tourism and creative economy sectors,“ he concluded. - Bernama, Antara