Heavy showers on Monday lead to prolonged power outages in Hyderabad

1 week ago

Power Cut

Hyderabad: Heavy showers on Monday afternoon caused widespread power outages across several parts of Hyderabad, sparking frustration over the prolonged blackouts. Areas severely affected included Banjara Hills, Masab Tank, Mehdipatnam, Film Nagar, Sanathnagar, and Kondapur, where residents experienced extended power cuts lasting several hours.

The power disruptions were attributed to the heavy rains that swept through the city on Monday afternoon, but the lack of a swift response from authorities only intensified the residents’ ire. Many took to the microblogging site X to voice their frustrations over the situation.

“It has been over seven hours without electricity. There has been no response from the officials. We had to eat our dinner under the flashlight of phones,” lamented an angry resident of Masab Tank.

Many netizens raised concerns about the Congress government’s ability to manage the power infrastructure developed by the previous BRS administration. They recalled that before 2014, frequent power cuts and power holidays were common.

“Why are there frequent power cut issues now? Earlier, there were no such problems. The temperature is breaking all records and so are the power cuts. It’s very sad to see such poor governance. It feels like we’ve gone back in time by ten years. These long and frequent power cuts are terrible,” said a resident from Banjara Hills.

A similar sentiment was echoed by another individual, who criticized the ongoing situation as the “new norm” for Hyderabad. “We continue to suffer without electricity for hours in a supposedly developed city,” they remarked.

Aggrieved citizens while pouring out their anger on the social media also pointed out that officials from the power department were citing heavy rains as the primary reason for the disruptions and that the weather had caused damage to the power infrastructure. However, such explanations provided little comfort to the affected residents, many of whom are demanding more robust measures to ensure such extended outages do not become a regular occurrence.