BRS MLA Kaushik Reddy slams Ponnam on fly ash issue

2 days ago

BRS MLA Kaushik Reddy slams Ponnam on fly ash issue

Hyderabad: Continuing his tirade against Transport Minister Ponnam Prabhakar, BRS MLA Padi Kaushik Reddy accused him of a Rs.100 crore corruption through illegal transportation of the fly ash. Despite his challenge to pledge before God to prove innocence, he said the Minister shied away twice – in Huzurabad on Tuesday and in Jubilee Hills in Hyderabad on Wednesday.

Kaushik Reddy along with BRS activists performed a special puja at Sri Venkateswara Swamy temple in Jubilee Hills here on Wednesday and took an oath at the temple about him being non-corrupt. He said Prabhakar’s absence confirmed his involvement in the illegal transportation of fly ash and corruption. “I have taken the oath before the God to prove my honesty. Minister Prabhakar did not show up, which confirms his involvement,” he stated.

The BRS legislator criticised the Minister for serving him legal notices for defamation and he has been directed to respond within a week. “Roads are getting damaged due to overloaded fly ash lorries, and the Congress government is destroying all the roads built by the BRS over the past decade,” he said.

He stated that he was preparing a list of corrupt leaders and officials in the Congress government in his ‘blackbook’ where Minister Prabhakar’s name would be the first to be mentioned. “Once the BRS government is in power, we will recover the stolen money,” he declared.